Saturday, 31 December 2011

littlebook v1: Khitbah & Nikah

Assalamualaikum wbt

For those of you who didn't know what is littlebook.. It is actually a little booklet I made as a gift for the wedding guests (Not my wedding, but my friend's wedding yerr..)

littlebooks (^,~)

I'd like to congratulate once again to Sis Lyana Sidek, her sister and their newly wed hubbies.

Barakallahulakum!! May Allah brightens your future ahead with His love and blessing.

And thank you for hiring me! hehe.

***Sorry, no english version for this post.

More readings: Hadis 40 Imam Nawawi

*Final post for littleMuslimah 2011.. Tomorrow will change to littleMuslimah 2012.. hehe.. (^,~)v


nanad said...

sangat comel dan kreatif ^_^ teringin nak satu :P

annamujahadah said...

Assalamualaikum.comelnya, ana save gambar2 sebagai koleksi simpanan ya.
minta halal tau (^^,)

nhmisme said...


alhamdulillah.. terima kasih.. nak satu? hehe.. boleh2.. insyaAllah.. tp kena bg address la.. hihi.. (^,~)


wa'alaikumussalam.. alhamdulillah.. save la.. takde masalah.. (^,~)v

ash_mza said...

chantek.. nti nak tempah la:p

KeTika CinTa BerTasbiH said...

salam,blh ke nk 1?huhu..sgt2 somel n mnarik~

nhmisme said...

ash_mza --> alhamdulillah.. boleh, nanti boleh email saya kalau nak tempah.

Ketika cinta bertasbih --> w'salam.. boleh,kena kasi address. tp buat masa skrg takde yg dh siap print lg.. insyaAllah dlm minggu depan nak print yg baru. :)

Anonymous said...

Salam wbt dik.. Akak mohon share pic dlm entri adik yg nie ye.. Syukran=)

Anonymous said...

subhanAllah comeinye little book ni..
kreatif sgt^^
erm, teringin satu tapi malu (_ _")

nhmisme said...

Anonymous 1..

silakan.. seoga bermanfaat ^,~

Anonymous 2 dan semua yang request..

InsyaAllah saya plan nak bagi free dlm 10 copies.. cuma masih dalam perancangan. kena tunggu promosi dlm blog ni la ye.. :)

Ainisha ali said...

saya mohon save n shre di

nhmisme said...

boleh.. sila2.. semoga beroleh manfaat. ^^

WinaWarz said...

assalamualaikum.. mntak izin utk share di blog sy... ^_^ tq..

Anonymous said...

Assalamualaikum sister,

JAZAKALLAH for inspiring us with your wonderful works - may Allah (swt) accept these from you and grant you much barakah in your life. Sister - i have a request of you - could you please publish a version of your nikah booklet in english - it would really benefit soooooo many people - jazakallah khairun and may Allah (swt) reward you immensely for your efforts -- Sr. Abida

nhmisme said...

S. Abida --> Wa'alaikumussalam wbt

Amin.. thanks for the du'a sister. Regarding your request, inshaAllah I have a plan to publish in an English version. But please give me some time, because translating and editting also consume quite a lot of time. and right now, I'm quite busy with my study. inshaAllah, when I finish translating and editting the new version, I'll publish it. :)

Unknown said...

Comel,..saya suka saya suka..